Call 0438 455318


Type: Oil

Product description

To vastly slow down and prevent pneumatic tools deterioration the KEY is daily tool oiling. Compressing the air you send to power your pneumatic tools literally changes the "dew point" and causes it to RAIN (no kidding) inside your equipment. Whatever moisture is present when the compressor squeezes it to higher pressures can lead to premature wear and tear, and rust. a couple drops of the OMER HIGH QUALITY pneumatic tool OIL into the tool's air inlet (male plug) and you are giving a fighting chance to stapler & nailer's inner metal components. Sometimes you want the little 0.7 fluid ounce bottle (20ml) with a great little cap to make dispensing just a few drops of oil (that's all your tools need for their daily allotment). Avoid costly down time and money. Get in the habit of daily oiling your air tools!

Call 0438 455318