Privacy policy

Personal data privacy policy

OMER spa, as the owner of your personal data treatment (hereafter referred to as “owner”) releases the current policy in respect of the EU and Italian regulations about personal data protection, with the aim of making you aware about the purpose and method of the treatment of personal data that you might communicate, while navigating this web site (hereafter referred to as “Site”). We want to clarify that the current policy refers specifically to the Site and not to Third Party sites that can be reached by the user through a link from the site itself.

Categories of data processing

Browsing data
Computer systems and software processes involved in the running of this Site are collecting, during normal operations, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of communication internet protocols. These information are not collected to be associated with identified interested people, but because of their same nature these information could – throughout processing and associations with data received from third parties – allow the user identification. In this data category are included, for example, IP addresses or domain name of the computers used to access the Site, the URI links (Uniform Resource Idendifier) of the required resources, the time of the request, the mode used to submit the request to server, the reply file dimension, the code number of the status of the reply provided by the server (success, error, etc) and other parameters referring to the operating system and the system environment or the user. Such data usage is limited to gathering anonym statistical information about the Site navigation and to verifying the correct functioning of the Site and they are eliminated immediately after the process.

Data you voluntarily provide
If you send emails to the addresses indicated in the site – optional, explicit and voluntary – your email address, which is necessary to answer your questions, will be stored by us, along with other personal data possibly communicated. Our site includes forms to be filled in, that are accompanied by specific information about the treatment of personal data and when necessary, you will be asked your consent. We invite you to view these information before filling in the forms.

To learn more about the use of cookies from the Site, please view the specific privacy policy by clicking

Purpose and legal basis of data processing, nature of the data transfer and consequences of a refusal

The Owner shall process your data in order to facilitate your navigation and provide the services you may requested through dedicated forms, in the Site. Apart from what is specified in terms browsing data and technical cookies, you are free to provide personal data within the Site sections that are arranged to offer special services on request, in compliance with the purposes indicated in the respective privacy policies. Missing to communicate these additional data might prevent you from obtaining the required service.

Data retention period

The Owner shall process the personal data collected through the Site solely for the time strictly necessary for the purposes for which they have been collected, or – at a later date – for the time established by the current law. For more details, please refer to the policies designed for special services.

Scope of data transmission and recipient categories

The Owner will not disseminate your data. The owner intends to disclose your data to members of the internal staff – authorized to data processing by reason of their job – as well as to third parties to whom the transmission should is necessary. Such recipients, should they process data on behalf of the Owner, will be formally designated as subjects in charge of processing data through a contract or other legal act. For more details, please refer to the policies designed for special services.

Transfer of data towards third country and/or international organization

Your personal data will not be transferred to non-European Third Countries.

Your rights

You have the right to ask the Owner to access your personal data, correct or erase them, as well as limit your consent, if conditions are met. You may object about their treatment for legitimate interests pursued by the Owner, as well as obtain the portability of the data you personally offered if they are only object of an automated treatment, based on consent or on a contract. You also have the right to withdraw your consent for those purposes of treatment that require it, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the treatment up to the withdrawal itself. To exercise your rights you may use the form that is available here and forward it to the address We remind you that you have the right to may send a claim to the supervisory Authority, guarantor for data protection (

Omer S.p.a.
Via Foresto, 42
31058 – Susegana (TV)
P.IVA 02240730263
R.E.A. TV 197238